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1 year ago
Farming Guide

Farming is a profession in Lorwolf that allows your wolves to cultivate various plants and harvest the fruits of their labor.

On the left side of the farming page, you'll see your plots. You begin with 2 plots, but as you level up your profession, two additional fields will become available. On the right side, you can view your farming level, friendly NPCs, the option to trigger their bonus, and methods for gathering compost and water.

How to farm:

1. Gather seeds: Seeds can be purchased from the Mole Market or found through hunting, another profession. Most seeds require a higher farming skill to plant, except for corn and wheat, which can be grown starting from level one.

2. Collect compost and water: These essential resources for a successful harvest can be gathered at the bottom right of the farming page. Your maximum storage increases as you level up.

3. Till the plot: Click the green "Till Plot" button next to one of your fields. Tilling takes 10 seconds and lasts for two minutes, but you can till your fields indefinitely if needed.

4. Select seeds: After tilling, click the "Select Seeds" button, choose a seed, and click continue.

5. Plant seeds: Ensure you have enough compost and water for the selected seed. If all requirements are met, click "Plant Seeds" to start farming.

6. Maintain your crops: Compost and water levels drop every 4 minutes, and crops will die if they reach zero. Check back regularly to maintain your plants. If needed, Tiny Tusk and Big Beak can keep your crops healthy for 12 hours in exchange for food.

7. Harvest and replant: If you successfully care for your plants, harvesting them will grant you farming experience and yield crops. As you gain familiarity with specific seeds (levels displayed at the bottom left corner), your harvest yield will increase. If plants die, clear the plot and start the process again. Dead plants provide no XP or harvest.

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